Bee Pollen is the male seed of a flower blossom that are gathered by the bees and mixed with its own digestive enzymes. When it mixes with honey become Bee Bread and is a natural source of protein to the larvae.
Health benefits of Bee Pollen: -
- Chronic Fatigue
- Immune System Booster
- Impotence
- Infertility
- Kidney Disorders
- Longevity
- Menopausal Symptoms
- Prostate Diseases
- Ulcers
- Appetite
- Allergies
- Anemia
- Antibiotic
- Athsma
- Blood Builder
- Capillary Weakness
* 除雀斑,黑眼圈,黑印,暗疮
* 保持青春容貌,恢复青春体力
* 妇女更年期综合症疗(月经不调、痛经)
* 对小儿贫血有效
* 调节神经系统,促进睡眠
食用方法:早晚各一次,成人:1茶匙; 小孩:1/2茶匙。
Inquiry - BEE POLLEN 花粉